FeaturesTODDLER BALANCE BIKE - Jollito balance bike is designed for boys and girls from 18 months to 4 years old. Beneficial to the development of balance, steering, and coordination of infants, helping them to safely and smoothly transition to regular riding.GROW WITH YOUR CHILD - The balance bike ..
JOLLITO Baby Balance Bike with 4 wheels designed for ages 12-24 months, helps baby toddlers develop motor skills needed to walk and eventually ride! Adjustable Soft handlebars: The baby bike handlebar can be adjusted 90&45front and rea. 135steering limit, It helps the baby off of different heights a..
JOLLITO Baby Balance Bike with 4 wheels designed for ages 12-24 months, helps baby toddlers develop motor skills needed to walk and eventually ride! Adjustable Soft handlebars: The baby bike handlebar can be adjusted 90&45front and rea. 135steering limit, It helps the baby off of different heights a..