???Mini Plant Bouquet?The bouquet is composed of 456 blocks, which are colorful, interesting, romantic and energetic. It is also equipped with color instructions. Under the guidance of the clear manual, you can follow the installation steps and build the items easily.???Perfect Match, Suitable for DIY?The bouquet set contains purple camellia, lavender, pink rose, hydrangea, etc., each of which has unique characteristics and meanings. The flower stems, petals and leaves can be adjusted to change the shape and create a beautiful arrangement.???Creative Home Decoration?The bouquet package is creative designed by the designer, with perfect matching of various colors. The assembled bouquets can be placed in every corner of the room as decorations. It will not wither throughout the year.???Perfect Gift?It is suitable for giving as a gift to the closest women in every important festival. Its exquisite shape, perfect color matching and rich scene applications are suitable for long-term collection and viewing. The implication of various flowers makes gifts more meaningful.???High Quality Materials and After-sales Service?ZIYOSTAR's all blocks are made of high quality ABS material with smooth edges, durable and washable, and reassembled. ZIYOSTAR is committed to providing customers with quality after-sales service. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. We are at your service. The best results can be obtained for any problem.
???Mini Plant Bouquet?The bouquet is composed of 456 blocks, which are colorful, interesting, romantic and energetic. It is also equipped with color instructions. Under the guidance of the clear manual, you can follow the installation steps and build the items easily.???Perfect Match, Suitable for DIY?The bouquet set contains california poppy, begonia, leaf, hydrangea, etc., each of which has unique characteristics and meanings. The flower stems, petals and leaves can be adjusted to change the shape and create a beautiful arrangement.???Creative Home Decoration?The bouquet package is creative designed by the designer, with perfect matching of various colors. The assembled bouquets can be placed in every corner of the room as decorations. It will not wither throughout the year.???Perfect Gift?It is suitable for giving as a gift to the closest women in every important festival. Its exquisite shape, perfect color matching and rich scene applications are suitable for long-term collection and viewing. The implication of various flowers makes gifts more meaningful.???High Quality Materials and After-sales Service?ZIYOSTAR's all blocks are made of high quality ABS material with smooth edges, durable and washable, and reassembled. ZIYOSTAR is committed to providing customers with quality after-sales service. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. We are at your service. The best results can be obtained for any problem.
Product Detail |
Color | Multi-color |
Size | Vitality |
Dimensions | 8.7x3.8x2.3 |
Weight | 0.4 |
Warning - California Proposition 65
This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.