PJ Masks follows the thrilling night time exploits of three young friends who transform into their dynamic super hero alter egos, Cat boy, Owlette and Gekko. Here comes Gekko, who is the youngest of the group, but has Super Gekko Camouflage to change colors and blend in with his surroundings, Super Gekko Muscles to lift heavy things, Super Lizard Grip to climb walls or anchor himself to stop vehicles, and Super Lizard Water Run to walk on water. Now boys can imagine they are their favorite superhero Gekko in this very cool costume
Product Includes: Jumpsuit with detachable tail & soft headpieceHeadpiece includedOfficially Licensed product
Product Detail |
Color | Multicolor |
Size | Toddler Small (2T) |
Dimensions | 1x32x13 |
Weight | 0 |
Warning - California Proposition 65
This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.