A baby balance bike is a small ride-on without any pedals, meaning the children propels themselves forward by using their legs and can use the handlebars to change direction. The bikes are designed to be lightweight so they can be easily operated by the toddler and can usually be used on any surface, whether indoor or outdoor. Baby balance bikes and similar ride-on toys for toddlers help to develop their motor skills, give toddlers a sense of independence.
?Adjustable infant balance bike??.The seat could be adjusted from around 9-11.8 inch,the handle can also be adjusted,is perfectly matched to kids' body structure,which is suitable for age 10-36 months--best period for children to develop balance, coordination,and strength on their legs.?.Lightweight by 4.85lb is easy for baby to carry. Playing with parents could be made babies more confident and happier via encouragement.?Safe and easy to play??.The Childrens Balance Bikes is Easy to install, takes no more than 5 minutes to finish assembling.?.Package comes with Installation instructions and multi-language manual includes English,Spanish, French, Italian, German.?Easy to control?The Baby Walker Balance Bike has 4 high-density EVA soft silent wheels don't hurt to the wooden floor,fully & widen enclosed wheels ensure baby feet safety,135 steering limited to avoid baby side falling, your child can play inside and outside the house (under your guidance).?Sturdy comfortable design? The Baby Balance Bike equips high carbon steel frame, non-slip Adjustable EVA handlebar, and a softly supportive seat design, ensures your childs feet are always touching the ground, so they stay in control of their speed, stopping, and movement.?A gift for boys&girls?The Toddler Balance Bike is the best first birthday gift for toddlers to learn walking and riding.good toddler toys choice for 1 year old boy girl as first birthday ,Children's Day, Christmas, Baby Shower and New Year gift.
Product Detail |
Color | Blue |
Size | normal |
Weight | 0.01 |
Warning - California Proposition 65
This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.