TODDLER BALANCE BIKE - Jollito balance bike is designed for boys and girls from 18 months to 4 years old. Beneficial to the development of balance, steering, and coordination of infants, helping them to safely and smoothly transition to regular riding.GROW WITH YOUR CHILD - The balance bike handle height can be adjusted from 19.4" to 20.4" and the seat height from 10.6" to 12.9". It is the perfect gift for girls and boys aged 18 months to 4 years and will meet their different needs as they grow.GREAT RIDING EXPERIENCE - 9" puncture-resistant EVA foam tires with premium grip and shock absorption, no noise, and suitable for all terrains. Ensures safety and also brings an enjoyable riding experience, the ideal choice for children to start training and developing their motor skills.PROFESSIONAL DESIGN - Handlebar 30steering limited to avoid side falling, modular design takes only 2-3 minutes to assemble. The carbon steel frame makes this toddler balance bike more sturdy and durable, enough to withstand up to 110 pounds.LIGHTWEIGHT & PORTABLE - Weighs only 5.5 lbs, so your kids can use it without your help. With the unique design of seat, very convenient to carry outdoors.AFTER-SALES SERVICE - Keeping babies and parents satisfied is a mission of JOLLITO. If you have any suggestions about our balance bikes. Please contact us, we will help you solve the problem according to your expectation.
Product Detail |
Color | Fuchsia rose |
Size | 9" |
Dimensions | 7.8x16.02x9.92 |
Weight | 4 |
Warning - California Proposition 65
This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.